Saturday, July 16, 2016

Lunch & Aftermath

Had lunch with mom at Menton. Overall lovely, but comp'd raw bar plate wreaked havoc on my insides. Bad mood to start, somewhat improved towards the end. Xander having brain-function difficulties; my mood probably not helping. Emily's first return shift.

Tanya who works in education administration came in after several months away. That French cider eaux de vie is really good and really tastes like French cider.

French Christian hung out at 1610, requested my sfumato/cocci rosa/tequila cocktail. Still no fermented oatmeal, sorry Christian.

Former star barback Christian came in as well. Hope he's 21 now. Should visit Babo, one of Joe's childhood friends works there as well I think? Speaking of which, Joe came in!

Deuce at 1608 walked out on 2 El Diablos twice in one night!

5 top at 1913 made me take five pictures, took forever to pose, then asked me to turn the flash on. I nearly threw the phone at Xander.

Very pleasant man named Jeff came in at 11:30, ordered a burger in line. 2 fort points and a barrel aged juno.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Wherein I Turn Down a Marketing Position

All in all, an enjoyable night, courtesy of 1800s. Slow to start, cut some ice. Couple wanders in, man drinks a FS Session lager, woman gets nothing. Some idle chit-chat with man, who leaves $4 tip on the one beer. Not bad.

Next guest is a gentlemen waiting on two more. Old fashioned usualness. He sits at 1801 so no talking while cutting ice. Two more join, get food, have a few rounds. Only 1803 is interesting (Kevin?), who was a regular of Cali Gold at Spoke in the day. Three top next at 180578, more coming. Mild flirtation with gay man, per usual. Minimal conversation, but friendly. Good tips.

Two older solo ladies of note at 1808. First is Beth, secretary for USBG St. Louis, sent by Patrick Orlovsky. Amicable conversation, send her to further bars. Second is art professor, moving to Richmond, attractive for her age.  Highlight when married man takes her phone and messages tinder dates to demonstrate her worth. Blonde gentleman with the married man apparently a regular of Jan's, slow drinker.

Tall brunette Lauren whose mother came in on tiki sunday once and apparently loves me (the mother) sits at 19012. Mother in town next weekend. Spend 20 minutes anxiously contemplating approach, managed to manage after all.

Make Francis a pretty tasty drink with 1.5 cognac 3/4 cocci americano 3/4 swedish punsch 1/8 lime 2 dash mole. Not sure the mole improved the drink.

Last deuce at 18078 are Tara and Sara. Tara tries to convince me to go into marketing for the next 45 minutes. Tara's in interior design.Tara used to bartend at a golf course. Tara got to drive the beverage cart. Tara used to work at Nordstrom and meet lots of 'cool moms'. Tara's dad sells windows, but not the fancy German kind that rotate on both axes. Tim at Pastoral is amused by this story.

Managed to get Menton lunch reservations for tomorrow after all, since apparently no one makes Menton lunch reservations.